You're in Control with the GivEnergy app

Making those fine adjustments to maximise both your cost savings and flexibility around your daily routines has never been easier, with the user friendly app from GivEnergy, a British battery storage manufacturer.

The mobile app

The mobile app from GivEnergy (shown above) is mainly for monitoring usage anytime of day including:

  • Checking how much energy is being produced from your solar panels (if you have them installed)

  • How much charge the battery has

  • What it’s status is i.e. whether its charging or discharging

  • What proportion of energy is being generated from green energy

  • What energy is currently being consumed

The desktop app

The desktop app is designed to provide additional functionality including:

  • Setting the battery for charging and discharging

  • Grid reliance

  • and any alarms and information from the inverters