Storing excess solar energy

3 Easy Ways to Benefit from excess solar energy

There’s never been a better time to invest in solar panels for your property and in this post we explore three easy ways you can use the excess energy.

  1. Heating your hot water - utilising an energy diverter can divert excess energy to your immersion heater, reducing your gas bill. In the summer months you may end up paying nothing to heat your water, depeneding on energy production and the amount of excess you have.

  2. Charge your car - with a smart EV charge point (such as Zappi or Andersen A2). These innovative car chargers monitor your Solar energy for any excess and uses it to charge the car.

  3. Store your excess - so you use it when you need it. The GivEnergy battery storage solutions allow you to store your excess enegy so it can be used on demand. You can also charge the batteries using cheaper night time tariffs and use the energy stores during the day when usage rates tend to be higher.